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Do you know about PAH!? PAH! is a children’s mental health program. We welcome all Deaf and hard of hearing children, youth, and families as well as hearing children of Deaf adults. We support any level of hearing loss, the use of any type of assistive device, and respect any choice of communication. The PAH! program is a partnership between ROCK ™ Reach Out Centre For Kids and the Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf. PAH! was founded in 2000 to provide specialized children’s mental health services for the Deaf and hard of hearing children, youth and their families and children of Deaf adults. Located on the campus of the Ernest C. Drury School for the Deaf.

We would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to members of the PAH! team. We are still open for services…just digitally and remotely!

Azad: Hey, you good? I am good too. I know there is the coronavirus out there and everyone is following social distancing rules and self-isolating. But think positive, okay?
Dragon: (nod)
Azad: Curious, who is our PAH! team? Do you want to know?
Dragon: (nod)
Azad: Look (finger point at PAH! team)

Stay tuned for more introductions as we go through the week!