Essential & Non-Essential Visitors are permitted on-site.  Visitors must be 5 years of age or older.  Visitors must provide proof of being fully vaccinated or conduct a Rapid Antigen Test on-site prior to entry.   Visitors must follow IPAC measures when on-site (e.g. masking, physical distancing, etc.)

Mar 10: COVID-19 & BRHD Visits

[webmaster’s notes: this post has been deprecated but is kept here for reference only. please see newest announcement as found on front page] March 10th, 2020 MEMO TO: ALL FAMILY MEMBERS, FRIENDS AND VISITORS FROM: SHIRLEY CASSEL We have been directed by the...
Memorial Landscape Campaign

Memorial Landscape Campaign

If only the walls could talk…we would hear shared stories from long ago, a silly little giggle, simple and pure laughter from a lifetime event, a few tears shed for a friend who has passed, and most of all, snippets of cherished memories from family members who invited us into the lives of their loved ones over the time they graced our Home. Thanks so much for the memories. We have been truly blessed.